It’s the last day of 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal and I know some of you have to wait for another 24 hours or more to embrace your new year. Not everyone takes new year as a new beginning and listing down the resolutions for a better and happy life but most of us are really excited about welcoming the new year and saying bye-bye to 2017.
I am not an avid believer that everyone must plan and start their new year with new directions, hopes, and dreams. No one actually has to wait for a new year to execute something. Isn’t it? A second wasted is a second waste. Maybe I am just over exaggerating on this one. 😛
Here I am, up with the last blog post of the year 2017! Oh boy! What a roller coaster ride it has been! 2017 was very challenging, hard, funny, tough, beautiful and cool as F**K! Like people say the good balances the bad and vice versa.
There were some success and some failures, and of course, a hell lot of experiences to take it to 2018. Yeah 2018, that’s what it is!
So I will try to cover some of the highlighted topics of 2017 and I hope you can take something from it.
One year of blogging
Wow! I can’t believe that it’s been a year of blogging already. My failure story with blogging is just not a new story but finally, I have crossed the 365 days marks already and I look ahead for more exciting and interesting days of blogging ahead in 2018.
Exactly one year of Affiliate Marketing
Now, this one is very exciting! You can read my first post where I shared how I made my first ever $1.80 with Amazon affiliate marketing. I was too excited that I even wrote an entire blog post on my first amazon affiliate earning, and now I am very happy to share that I made $100 plus this month. It is not a very big amount but definitely shows some progress!
Unexpected Merch by Amazon Journey
Merch by Amazon is a POD (print on demand), Amazon program where I got myself registered and accepted. It was all accidental since I don’t remember why and when I applied for it but on May 31st, I got an email saying that my request was approved.
I wasn’t too excited about it and just threw some designs and let it there for good. MBA (Merch by Amazon) made my head turn when I got my first sale in August where I made $1.24. Since then, I decided to give it some time and then it has been a hell of a ride.
This December, the total sales made over were $500 plus with 114 sales.
Merch Tool
I put up my focus and effort on building a tool that will be very handy for people doing Merch by Amazon and that was supposed to be a ready month ago. It just didn’t go as planned and we haven’t yet completed it. Till date, we are still testing it and we are closer to completion it, at least for the version 1.0.
This tool will help people find golden keywords for their T-shirt listings and dig in more opportunities for sales.
Looking ahead to complete it in 2018!
Building up an Internet Marketing team
Being an Internet Marketer I always need extra hands to help me with the tasks. Finally this year, I managed to build up an in-house Internet Marketing team who can fuel up my goals.
From passion to learning, and from learning to taking actions, we did rank some of the sites on #1 this year and we look for more actions to come yet in 2018. We just got started 🙂
Hey 2018, Here is the list of things I want to get started with.;)
Getting into Video Editing and Youtube:
This means some serious shits! The idea here is to start learning video editing and get started on Youtube. No! I am not planning to get into video blogging soon. Video blogging has caught fire in Nepal and there are many YouTubers from Nepal creating some quality content already.
I have always dreamed of doing some crazy level of cinematography and video editing shits! Finally, I will be able to manage some time for that. I can imagine the learning curve; it’s going to be very stiff!
Lose weight 😛
Once upon a time, long long ago I was very skinny and then I wanted to gain some weight. So much that I even posted a status on my Facebook 5 years ago “Ek din ta ma pani motauchu hola” which means “One day, I will gain some weight”.
They say “Be careful with what you wish for” and I guess that came true. I am struggling to rid of my fats and be back to shape again. Dear 2018, I know you are going to bring me to tears during the process of losing weight.
There were some emotional breakdowns, stress, frustration, crazy movements, goodbyes and farewell and of course meeting some awesome new peoples. I hope the New Year 2018 will bring lots of challenges and excitements, and lots of wonderful moments and experiences. And I hope you hustle hard to achieve your goals in 2018!
Below are the best piece of suggestions I can share for a happy life. Even if it won’t change your life, it will still make a big difference.
Believe me, it’s worth trying.
Stay Happy and Healthy, and never stop learning!
Find self-motivation and motivate others!
Get rid of your bad habits!
Enjoy LIFE!
Forgive and Move on!
What are your goals for 2018? What did you achieve in 2017? Do let me know in the comment section.
nice words up there. happy new year 2018.
Thank you Sir!
Like you said, leaving past in peace and to move on is getting harder for me. Sometimes moving on is a simple thing what you left behind is harder to forget, NO?
The year of 2017 brought a lot of changes and ups and down in my personal and professional life. The year has become the year that I wont forget ever in my life!
Four hours left for the new year to begin, Paris time! I feel my nerves and thinking about all the things came along with me this year, the sea of mistakes, and clouds of confusion and lack of decision making capacity and the ocean of regrets! Not only this year but I am into the thoughts of evolution since the very young age to the now, I have found the series of mistakes till the age of thirty four, to collect myself is getting fucking harder.
I am also taking this occasion to write and think of the past at the end of the year some how it has became a style of ending the year and I am doing the same, nevertheless, It is just another day with another morning.
I know the key, the key of being happy and live the day and take one step forward to our goals and dreams, I will be doing that but the moment I am writing this seems like scary as hell for me. In this age looking for a carrier, decent money to live, to keep my dreams alive and to try to move on by leaving some tragic moment behind, counting enough mistakes makes my tomorrow still a virgin day with no clear idea, and I AM PUZZLED? Yeah the roller coaster of mine, a sail of mine with the sea of regrets! Bit scary for some people, And I hate this fucking feelings!
I don’t want to wait for tomorrow in vain, I will be working for peace of mind and for a better tomorrow which it self an illusion but the HOPE, I must not loose!
I wish good luck to your passion and dreams and pro career! Very interesting blog my dear bro Pravash! Not only for this year but I wish you happiness by now until this journey will find the proper ending with a proper meaning! Enjoy Life!
Your loyal friend,
Thanks for stopping by my dear friend. Sorry for the late reply.
Life is to live ahead my dear friend. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.
Life is always full of ups and downs but we need to keep moving. That’s how life works.
Prakash bhai, went through your words and your blogs and I have to say “Ramro ra Dammi Laagyo”… keep moving ahead and never leave any stone unturned …. Stay blessed ..